A. The Citi Double Cash Card is probably the best cash back credit card that doesn't use the rotating categories (other than Fidelity Amex card that also offers 2% back on anything you purchase, but you have to be a Fidelity customer and Amex card is not widely accepted).
The Citi Double Cash Card includes the following features:
- Earn 1% cash back on every dollar you spend
- Earn an additional 1% back for every dollar you pay off
- No annual fee
- No limit on the rewards you can earn
- You can start redeeming with as little as $25 in rewards
- Redeem for a statement credit, gift card or a check
- 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months
- Comes chip-enabled, so you’ll be ready for the U.S. transition to EMV