A nonprofit Harvard-IT program that offers free online courses from some of the best universities to anyone.
A for-profit program founded by two Standford professors, offers free online courses from some of the best universities to anyone. If you want a verification certificate, you pay.
A for-profit program offers free online courses. Proctored exams are offered for a fee.
Saylor Academy
Free online course program founded by Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy.
A free online Open Learning Initiative launched by Carnegie Mellon. Anyone who wants to learn or teach can sign up.
The Open University
A British university with an open entry policy. Tuition is about $7,000 a year.
Minerva Project
Students around the world get an elite education for $10,000 annual tuition. Admission is based on academics, with strict grading.
Open Badges
A new credentialing system created by the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation. You can earn badges for skills you learn online and offline and display badges.