Imagine this: you don't have to worry about market's ups and downs, you can ignore the financial salesman's marketing hypes, your life is stress-free with a sizable nest egg waiting for you in the end.
If your goal is to consistently beat the market, year after year, you will bound to live a very stressful life, and chances are, in the end, you will still lose to the market, because your money will go to someone else!
Why your broker or advisor can't help you beat the market?
What's the best strategy to pick the winning mutual funds to invest?
I have $50,000 to invest, which stocks can give me the highest yields?
Why investing in mutual funds is a loser's game?
Are ETF's a better choice than mutual funds for ordinary investors?
I am in my 40's and I have $100,000 available to invest, what's the best way for me to invest this amount so I can achieve both growth and safety at the same time?
Is it a good strategy to invest in high dividend funds so I am protected on the downside (when stock price falls the yield goes up) and can enjoy the upside?
I heard the 60/40 rule in investing has been quite successful in the past several decades, is it still a valid rule of thumb in today's investment environment?
Is turnover ratio an important factor to consider when selecting a mutual fund?
I am looking for a low cost way to grow with the market, should I use Index fund or index ETF as the investment vehicle?
Are high-dividend funds less risky?
I am near retirement, how to find low volatility income stocks?
I think a stock is going to fall, how to create a bear call spread?