The IRS divides interest into several categories. Personal interest (paid on auto loans, credit card debt, etc.) is not deductible. However, interest on qualified higher-education loans is deductible, subject to AGI and other limitations. The maximum deduction for these loans is $2,500 of interest each year. This is a deduction used in calculating your AGI and is not an itemized deduction.
Mortgage and investment interest expenses typically are deductible as itemized deductions, subject to these limits…
- Co-op owners may deduct their share of mortgage interest paid by the association.
- Interest expense paid on loans held specifically to purchase taxable investments is deductible to the extent of net investment income. Excess interest expense is carried forward indefinitely.
- Interest paid for a loan on a boat that has living, sleeping and eating quarters.
- Mortgage interest expense incurred on as much as $1 million in home acquisition debt (or $500,000 if married and filing separately). The $1 million threshold can be reached using mortgages on only your primary residence and one other personal residence. This includes debt incurred within 90 days of the purchase or major improvement that is secured by the principal residence and/or one additional residence. If you took out a mortgage after December 15, 2017, the deduction can be taken on mortgage debt up to $750,000 (or $375,000 if married and filing separately).
- Mortgage insurance premiums for those with income below set levels.
- Mortgage interest expense incurred on home-equity loans of up to $100,000 (or $50,000 if married and filing jointly). Generally, the proceeds can be used at the taxpayer’s discretion without risking the interest being classified as nondeductible. One exception is if the loan is taken out to purchase tax-exempt/municipal bonds, which would then classify all home-equity loan interest as nondeductible.
- Points paid on your principal residence generally are deductible immediately, unless you choose otherwise.
- Points paid on a refinance generally are amortized over the life of the loan.