A. Here are three uncommon ways a landlord can use to check up the applicants:
1. Fake References
Most landlord skip reference follow ups, for good reasons as many such references are fake ones. However, you can make a "mistake" when you call the applicant's supervisor. For example, if the applicant says she has worked there fore one year, you can ask to confirm if she has worked there for 5 years and see if you are corrected.
2. Verify Income
While it is important to ask for the most recent pay stubs, it is also important to call the employer to verify. Because if you allow such a faker in now, you will have big trouble getting the person out later.
3. Rental History
While credit check is important, the longevity of the previous rental history is also a good indication - for example, if the tenant has lived in the previous apartment 3 years, it could be a good indication of responsibility.