A. If you haven't touched your finances for a long time, it might take a while to get your finance house in order. The following 3 steps can get you in good order in 30 days.
Step 1. Organize Your Accounts
Over the years, you probably have opened many different accounts - checking, saving, CD, investment, retirement, college fund, credit cards, etc. They are at different financial institutions, and you don't have a holistic picture of your financial situation.
You can use Mint.com or Manilla.com to easily get everything in your life organized in one place.
Step 2. Revisit Your Investments
Once you know your various accounts, it's time to look into the various investments accounts you have had over many years - old 401(k), new 401(k), Roth IRA, IRA, individual brokerage accounts, etc.
Think about what kind of investment strategy you want to use, how much expense you are paying for these accounts, then take action to organize your investments.
Step 3. Evaluate Your Insurance Needs
When you are done with steps 1 and 2, the next step is to make sure your insurance needs are properly met - not too much, not too little.
Please feel free to contact me if you want a free look at your various financial needs.