Layer One Benefit - Death Benefit
Death benefits from an IUL policy. Such benefits will ensure any debts from the insured will not be left to his or her loved ones if they die unexpectedly.
Layer Two Benefit - Living Benefit
A living benefits from an IUL policy can help in the event the insured gets a serious medical condition. With qualifying chronic, critical or terminal illness, the policy owner can access a portion of the death benefit to help pay medical expenses while preserving their other assets.
Layer Three Benefit - Cash Value
An IUL policy will accumulate cash value that will grow tax-deferred based on the growth of various indexes. IUL policies are protected from market downturns and can be an appealing way to save. The cash value can be used to build a better future and help pay for various things like a down payment on a house, or even a child's college expenses.
Layer Four Benefit - Tax-free Loan
An IUL policy has the ability to supplement other retirement income streams with tax-free loans, this is especially valuable when the policy owner is in retirement phase and market has a major downturn, so they don't have to access other retirement funds facing a major drawdown.