Before you deciding which funds to buy, consider the following facts:
- Stocks and bonds prices go up and down, no one can predict which stock or which bond will increase in value, or when will increase in value.
- Most of fund managers couldn't beat the benchmark indexes, even you pay them big management fees.
- In the long term, both stocks and bonds market will go up, although the extent and volatility vary.
What is the take away from the above facts?
The answer is simple - when you build a long term portfolio, aim to Own the Market, rather than beat the market!
Below are the 3 broad market-based index funds from Vanguard and Fidelity, respectively, that any investor could use to build a solid and market performing portfolio.
Composition of Model Portfolios
Asset Allocation Total US Stock Market Fund Total International Stock Fund Total Bond Market Fund |
You can also use ETFs, instead of the above low cost index funds, to accomplish the same goal. The following is a list ETFs you can purchase at any brokerage house to construct your long term investment portfolio:
Rebalance a Portfolio
After the risk-based portfolio is put in place, you can largely leave it to the market to dictate its performance. Except once a while rebalance the portfolio.
How to easily rebalance a portfolio? See our next blog post.