A. If we could simply accomplish everything they wanted, at once, with the resources we had, financial planning would be unnecessary. However, in the real world, we can't simply have anything/everything we want whenever we want. Resources are limited, and as a result financial planning is essentially about trade-offs. We must prioritize which goals are most important to achieve, and allocate resources to them.
Unfortunately, many financial planners, due to liability concerns, want to be thorough in their service by developing a long list of recommendations and dump to the clients, hoping the clients will implement them. The results are usually disappointing.
Getting your financial house in order doesn't have to be that hard!
You can work with a financial planner by making the choice of what's most important to YOU and take actions to implement the decisions, one at a time. The goal is not to get everything done immediately, but instead to begin a process of incrementally getting a little done before a target time.