- What is your current housing situation today? Are you renting or do you own your home?
- If you’re renting, do you have plans to eventually buy a home?
- How do you see your housing situation evolving over time?
- Do you plan to downsize when you retire? Or possibly move to another city or town? Are there family members you would like to be near–or a particular community that’s of interest to you?
Potential Expenses for Care
- Have you thought about your future expenses to provide for your own care?
- For example, health care costs or the cost for care and assistance you may need in late retirement?
Physical Health
- Are there any health-related topics that might impact how we plan and prepare for your future?
- What can you share with me about your family’s longevity that might help us better plan for your future?
Fraud Prevention
- Is fraud prevention and identity protection a topic you’ve thought about or discussed with family members?”
- Do you currently have any protections in place?
- Are you and your family familiar with common scams that could compromise your identity and financial security?
Future Goals and Aspirations
- What are your long-term goals and aspirations?
- As you look ahead, what do you hope to achieve – either from a financial perspective or a non-financial perspective, or both?
- What’s most important to you and your family today?
Family and Loved Ones' Finances
- Do you anticipate needing to provide care and/or financial assistance to family members? For example, potential expenses for younger family members, aging parents, grown children, siblings, grandchildren, etc.?
- Are you providing such care or financial assistance currently?
- If you have children, have you discussed how college will be paid for, including repayment of student loans?
Job Transitions and New Careers
- Do you expect any changes to your employment situation in the near future – or do you have any long-term career transitions in the back of your mind?
- Have you thought about possibly working part-time once you retire or pursuing a new “career” that may be more aligned with your personal interests or passions?
- Have you considered a “phased” approach to retirement, where you continue to work in some capacity for a number of years?
Retirement Planning
- What is your vision for retirement? What are you doing each day?
- Have you thought about what retirement might look like? Where are you living?