A. There are many Investment and Saving products a person could choose to build a portfolio, you can also analyze your portfolio from many different angles.
Below we will introduce an approach to check your portfolio from risk and tax perspectives.
Your portfolio could have 3 categories of risk levels: no/low risk, moderate risk, and high risk. The table below summarizes the common characteristics of each category:
No/Low Risk Guaranteed returns No principal loss High liquidity Low return potential | Moderate Risk Limited principal protection Moderate volatility Limited liquidity Moderate return potential | High Risk Higher volatility Higher return potential Higher chances of losing money |
Taxable After-tax contributions Tax due on annual returns Capital gain (CG) tax on withdrawal of CG CG withdrawals impact social security taxation | Tax Deferred Allow both before-tax and after-tax contributions Tax due on entire withdrawal Entire withdrawal affects social security taxation Undesirable if future taxes are higher | Tax Advantaged After-tax contributions Tax-free withdrawal options May require qualification May not impact social security taxation |
You can use the following matrix to first determine the desired percentage mix, then check against your actual investment and saving product allocations and see if you are far away from your desired allocations.
Taxable Tax Deferred Tax Advantaged | No/Low Risk | Moderate Risk ??? | High Risk |