A. A rider is an additional benefit that you have to pay for it. Normally I don't recommend Term insurance purchasers to buy a rider because most riders are unnecessary.
However, there is a creative way of using riders to save money. I will use an example to illustrate:
An Example
You are considering Term life insurance, with the purposes to replace income $1M, payoff mortgage $300K in 25 years, cover kids' education expense of $200K within 10 years, total $1.5M.
Now, instead of outright purchase of $1.5M Term insurance, you can purchase an $1M Term insurance, plus a $300K 25-year rider, and $200K 10-year rider. Your total annual premium cost will be less than that of the $1.5M Term insurance.
However, not every life insurance companies offer such riders because they will end up making less money. If you want to know which Term life insurer offers such money saving riders, please contact me, so we can run some quotes for you.